1881 Census
Thomas & Hannah Bagnall Household

From the 1881 census, we know that in 1881, Thomas and Hannah lived at Rawlings Yard (off Stanley Road).
Thomas is listed as being 59 and Hannah as 55. Thomas was still a builder at that time.
Curiously their granddaughter Sarah is listed aged 12, perhaps she was just visiting at the time of the census? This is my first evidence of Sarah Bagnall born around 1879.
John & Mary Ann Bagnall Household

John and Mary Ann are listed at 112 Stanley Road. John was a listed as builder, age 32, born in 1849, Mary Ann, his wife was 31, born in 1850. Their children at that time were:
Hannah Bagnall | Scholar | Age 8 | Born 1873 |
William Bagnall | Scholar | Age 6 | Born 1875 |
Ann E Bagnall | Scholar | Age 3 | Born 1880 |
George Bagnall | Scholar | Age 1 | Born 1878 |