John Henry Bagnall
Born 15th December 1899
John Henry Bagnall was my Grandfather. He was born on 15th December 1899. We know this from his RAF documents. In the 1901 census he is listed age 1.
Baptised 31 January 1900
Baptised 31 January 1900 at St. Andrew's in Wakefield. Address listed as "Bagnalls Terrace". William & Harriet Bagnall listed as parents, William's occupation: "Builder".
Apprentice Engineer 1915 to 1918
John was an Apprentice Engineer at the tender age of 15, at Fotherby & Co Engineers, The Anchor Foundry in Wakefield. This information came from his R.A.F. discharge papers.
From service records, we can see that John Henry joined the R.A.F. in 1918 (possibly 13th February) but was discharged on medical grounds the same year on 3rd May 1918.
These discharge papers list his permanent address as Moorvilla.
Marriage 19 Aug 1922

John marries Dorothy Townsend on 19 August 1922, at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (See sign in background of wedding photograph), though the marriage certificate says "the Parish Church in the Parish of St Andrew, Wakefield"

John Henry Died in 1947
John Henry died aged 46 in 1947. I never knew him since he died long before I was born. He is buried in an unmarked grave.