Thomas Brogden Bagnall
Thomas Brodgden Bagnall was my Great Great Great Grandfather.
Born 24 January 1823
From Thomas' baptism register entry (see below) we know he was born on 24 January 1823.
Baptism 21 September 1823
From this and the baptism records of some of Thomas' siblings, we know that his father, William Bagnall (senior) was a foundry worker who worked at times as an iron moulder.
Thomas was baptized at the same church where his mother and father married and where he would later marry, St John's Church, Wakefield.

Marriage 9 July 1843
Thomas marries Hannah Willis 9 July 1843 at St John's Church, Wakefield. We don't know his age from the marriage certificate (which I think says "full age"), but Hannah was 18. There is a discrepancy here since in he censuses of 1851 and 1861, Hannah's age would imply that she would have been only 16 in 1843. Neither they nor their witnesses were able to sign their names.
With this marriage certificate, I was able to determine Hanna's maiden name - Willis.
Thomas' profession was dyer. Both Thomas and Hannah lived in "Eastmoor".

This certificate was also the first clue to be able to step back yet another generation, since I discovered Thomas and Hanna's Fathers' names - William Bagnall - a Foundry ? (I can't read the second word) and James Willis - a labourer.
William is two generations before another William Bagnall - my Great Grandfather who started me on this research.
Census of 1851
From the 1851 census we see that Thomas is now married to Hannah Willis and living at 141 Bridge Street, Doncaster Road (or Doncaster Row?). Thomas is 28 and Hannah is 24.
Their children William (yet another William) and John (My Great Great Grandfather) are listed with their ages.
Visiting or living with them at the time was Hanna's sister, Ann Willis, listed as sister in law.
Census of 1861
From the 1861 census we see that Thomas and Hannah have moved to Rawling Yard. Thomas is 38 and Hannah is 34. Thomas is now a "laborer at dyhouse"
Their children William and John (My Great Great Grandfather) are listed with their ages.
9 September 1871
Thomas is mentioned on his son John's marriage certificate. His profession there is "Cloth Presser". I suppose this was career progression from dyer?
From the 1881 census, we know that in 1881, Thomas and Hannah lived at Rawlings Yard (off Stanley Road).
Thomas is listed as being 59 and Hannah as 55. Thomas was still a builder at that time.
Curiously their granddaughter Sarah is listed aged 12, perhaps she was just visiting at the time of the census? This is my first evidence of Sarah Bagnall born around 1879.
Thomas is listed in a directory as "Bagnall Mr Thomas, Green Hill road" under the private residents section.
The following plans were sent to me by Dave Russ and may show Thomas and Hannah's house. It remains a mystery where Mount Clay Terrace (shown on plan) was. I suspect maybe off Green Hill Road, maybe the road leading to the Mount Clay Brick Works.

Although the house is very basic, the garden is large and includes a greenhouse and a privy.

An 1875 "Plan of a Cottage House to be built on East Moor for Mr. Thomas Bagnall".
A simple one-up, one-down with a cellar.
The front door opens onto a staircase to to the left of the house. The ground floor is just one room including a sink so must have been living/diner/kitchen with a fireplace. Very basic.
The first floor has a "Chamber" which is a single room, presumably with fireplace.
From the 1891 census, we know that in 1891, Thomas and Hannah lived at 18 Rawling Yard (off Stanley Road).
Thomas is listed as being 69 and Hannah as 65. I think that under occupation it says "Living on own means", though the writing is not clear. This I think means they were retired. No others (for example children) are listed at that address.